Rare Earth Wiki

The Khor inhabit a vast mountain complex on the scorched-desert face of Wreel. The religious elite and their fundamentalist herd occupy the sacred mountain while the scientific and intellectual heretics are segregated in a city of carved caves scaling-up the far-side of the mountain. Since the arrival of the humans, almost a century ago, the Khor civil war has torn the race into two. One side a religious oligarchy controlling their herd with stories of magick and wonder, the other a band of scientists, philosophers and other iconoclasts searching for the truth behind the myth.

History and Overview

The Khor evolved in more temperate climates than the one they now endure. When the grasses and grains were over-grazed their only option was a great migration through the desert. Many lives were lost on the journey, the ones that battled through did so with the comfort promised to them by the shaman. Faith was born. The journey ended when the Khor experianced something they had never seen before: darkness.

Grazing in a dusty field at the base of a mountain, a great shadow lurched toward the herd. As each Khor was veiled in darkness they looked toward the light's obstruction. Praised as a deity, the moon eclipsed the red sun marking the ground in shade. The umbra of the eclipse was worshipped as sacred ground. The mountain's great height awarded it special consideration due to its presumed proximity to the gods.
